



Mark T. Munger - Senior Consultant at The Plexus Institute, US


"Lars Thuesen is a leading social innovator. He integrates theory and

practice to help organizations reduce and/or eliminate problems which resist solution. Mr. Thuesen promotes methods which identify and focus on ¹what is working¹ and discover solutions used by front-line staff which are often hidden, but accessible to many.


Mr. Thuesen uses his considerable experience as a civil servant to

operate across public and private sectors, and builds networks to

illuminate and support innovation."



Jens Jørgen Christensen, Skoleleder og

Gitte Dyrendal Rosenlund, Afdelingsleder, Petersmindeskolen i Vejle


"Vi har oplevet vores samarbejde med Lars som forbilledligt. Samarbejdet i procesgruppen har gennem hele forløbet været berigende og energigivende. Lars har både været en præcis og sikker procesleder samtidig med, at han har faciliteret processer, der har skabt stor synergi og et meget tydeligt ejerskab blandt alle de involverede interessenter – personale, elevråd, skolebestyrelse, deltagende forældre og ledelsen. Derudover har Lars været utrolig lydhør overfor vores tanker og idéer samt meget ydmyg og respektfuld overfor vores kultur, samtidig med at han også har udfordret os. Alle deltagerne har oplevet Lars som kompetent, respektfuld og inspirerende. Resultatet af vores proces er blevet en kerneværdi og fire støtteværdier, som alle bakker op om og kan se sig selv i.”



Jørgen Kjærgaard - Management Consulting Consultant and Contractor


"Lars is a very inspiring, wise and energizing person to collaborate with. He is not only good when it comes to creating a vision and be truly enthusiastic about it, he is also very good at making things happen, that is sharing the vision, onboard the relevant stakeholders and make sure that things happen to make the vision come through."



Tor Nonnegaard-Pedersen - Partner Implement Consulting Group


”I collaborated with Lars on a number of projects related to the reorganisation of the Department of Prisons and Probation. Working with Lars has been a true pleasure. Lars is extremely clever when it comes to what it takes to make organisations and people change. Designing organisations with Lars is therefore a process focusing not only the "hard stuff" (structure, steering models and processes) but to an equal degree the "soft stuff" (people, competencies, culture). I think that is why things actually change around Lars. Apart from that, Lars is an enthusiastic person with a positive spirit, which makes it fun as well as inspiring to work with him”.




The Change

As a global network of professionals, the mission of the Change Leaders is to help organizations positively address the human side of change. The Change Leaders is both a community of change practitioners & HEC/Oxford’s CCC alumni network. We enjoy the same practice funding knowledge, since we all attended the Consulting and Coaching for Change executive Master. Our goal is to continue learning through all available means, including from experts in the field, through knowledge and experience sharing, through sharing about our individual research or collective research.



International Positive Deviance Collaborative (IPDC)

WIN established IPDC in 2014


See for more information about the PD mindset and applications worldwide in over 40 countries.



PD Academy Denmark -


Positive Deviance Academy er etableret for at skabe en platform for arbejdet med Positiv Afvigelse i Danmark, fordi vi tror på, at metoden kan gøre en positiv forskel for en række af de danske wicked problems.



Lead the Talent -


LEAD THE TALENT er et enestående før-leder talentudviklingsprogram udviklet i tæt samarbejde med en lang række offentlige og private virksomheder.

LEAD THE TALENT kombinerer talenternes personlige og ledelsesmæssige udvikling for at gøre ledelse til deres fag. Formålet er at udvikle og afprøve deltagernes særlige talenter og at løfte deres kompetencer til et højere niveau til gavn for deres organisation.



Navigent -

Win - Welfare Improvement Network, E-mail:, Mobil: +45 3153 3393, CVR nr. 25 70 82 96